What is the right dosage for good sleep?
If you drink low to moderate amounts of caffeine, studies show that it does not have a major impact on the sleeping habits of people who are usually good sleepers. But generally, the dosage of caffeine that you can drink without it affecting your sleep will depend on your genes and other factors.
One thing is true, caffeine that is consumed in the afternoons will definitely interfere with your sleep. This is because it takes several hours for the effects of caffeine to wear off. If you need your caffeine boost to stay awake during the day but do not want it to affect your sleep quality and quantity, the latest you should consume coffee is during lunchtime.
Coffee causes digestive issues
A minority of coffee consumers drink it because they find that it helps keep their bowels moving. This is because coffee has a laxative effect and releases gastrin, the hormone that speeds up activity in the colon. Even decaffeinated coffee drinks show the same effect.
Although this may be helpful for some, caffeine also increases the contractions that move your food through your digestive tract. Because of this, consuming large doses of coffee can cause you to have diarrhea or other digestive issues.