8 The Bugs Bunny Show
The Bugs Bunny Show is another animated hit by Warner Bros. It featured cartoons from two canons: Merrie Melodies, and Looney Toons. Warner Bros. made Bugs Bunny such a beloved character that it was among the most successful projects.
It was most well-known for its Saturday morning showtime. This slot remained the same for almost four decades, in originals as well as reruns. As the years passed, Bugs and his friends’ appeal has not diminished.
In 1992, the AT&T cartoon still brought in $10 million a year. This is a rare animated program that targets children.
7 Jonny Quest
Jonny Quest was about a young boy who went with his scientist father on various adventures. Although the Hanna-Barbera show was not very popular, it is still fondly remembered by its fans.
The original show was a success and has been remade many times.
The New Adventures of Jonny Quest was first shown in the mid-80s. There is currently a live-action remake with Bradley Cooper and other big-name actors attached to the multimillion-dollar project. This is a good result for a cartoon that aired only for one season.