Top 10 World’s Wealthiest Female Rappers

6 Cheryl James

Cheryl James, an American rapper and songwriter, is most well-known for her work with Salt-H-Pepa. The group also includes Sandra Denton (Spinderella). James is the sixth-richest female rapper in the entire world.

Cheryl James’ net worth was approximately 14,000,000 as of 2022.

5 Sandra Denton

Sandra Denton, a Jamaican-American actress and rapper, is best known for her role as a member the female rap group Salt-n-Pepa. Cheryl James and Spinderella have starred together in her reality TV show, ‘The Salt-N-Pepa.

Sandra Denton is the fifth-richest female rapper on the list with a net worth of $15 million.

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