3 George Clooney
I’m fully aware George Clooney is the face and embodiment of salt and pepper sexiness. I have to include him in the list. It would be an injustice to do otherwise. However, the gray hair was a real blow to his face.
Clooney chose the close crop beard and the ten-day beard for Up in the Air in 2009. When he turned 48, Clooney felt like he had finally reached adulthood. “I was watching Up in the Air when I thought, “Jesus, who’s the older, gray-haired man?” And it was me. He is now married to Amal Cooney.
2 Harrison Ford
Harrison Ford is one of those men who never lose their appeal. He is 77 years old and still makes heads turn. He is an icon for many of his roles like Han Solo, Indian Jones and Rick Deckard. Ford has seen a lot of women in his life, so it’s not surprising.
Ford had three children with Mary Marquardt his first wife. He then had two more children with Melissa Mathison. Then he had another child with Calista Flockhart. They have remained happy together so far. Calista adopted her son Liam months before she began dating Ford. Ford is an environmental activist and pilot.