Top 10 Celebrities and Their Favorite Starbucks Orders

8 Miley Cyrus: Grande Nonfat White Mocha, No Whip

You can either get a Starbucks drink with a bitter taste or super sweet. Miley Cyrus’s order was a little more complicated. The White Mocha is her favorite, but she prefers it without whipped cream and nonfat. Because she is vegan, ordering her White Mocha without whip cream makes sense. However, if you don’t want to indulge in some whip, it might be worth going full fat.

This drink sounds delicious to me, regardless of what you think. She rekindled her relationship with Liam Hemsworth and married him. They are now ending their marriage. She became close to Cody Simpson, an old friend and began dating him shortly after.

7 Oprah: Half-Caf Espresso with Milk + Hazelnut

Oprah is a well-known name that this famous woman has created. She talks about her favorite coffee and I’ve not heard it in a while. Because she enjoys the flavor of her beans, she drinks a half-calf blend of espresso. She said that she mixes caffeinated, decaffeinated, and espresso with milk and a little bit of hazelnut in a recent interview.

“…As I wait for the brew to froth, I pull out a card from my 365 Gathered Truths box. I read five of them each morning; it’s a beautiful way to start the day.” Not only does she enjoy the special flavors of a half-caf, she even starts her morning off with some positive learning.

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