The Newest “Superfood” Is Actually Something You Would Want To Eat And Here Is Why

More – Berries

Berries, particularly blueberries, are full of natural antioxidants and compounds called flavonoids. This has been proven to reduce hypertension and can lower your blood pressure. It’s fairly easy to add a few berries to your day-to-day diet.

Strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries can all be eaten as a snack or added to granola in your mornings. The sweet snacks can improve your mood and health – with very few drawbacks.

Avoid – Candy

An obvious one – we’ve known this since we were little kids! Your favourite sweets are full of sugar like high fructose corn syrup content, which could lead to weight gain, kidney disease, or accelerates diabetes. Ultimately, all of this can lead to high blood pressure in the end.

Not to mention, candy also rots your teeth and gives you acne and many many other problems, so just avoid the stuff! Next time you eat your favourite bag of skittles or chocolates, think of the long term damage.

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