There is no question when it comes to the importance of ensuring that you regularly visit the dentist. Oral health is just as important as any other form of health. Yet, there are many people out there who suffer from anxiety each time they go to the dentist and therefore put it off for as long as possible. There are others who are simply too lazy to brush their teeth twice a day.
A trip to the dentist is feared by enough people that there is actually a term for it: “dentophobia.” For some, this fear is very real. The young boy in the above picture is an example of someone who suffers from dentist anxiety.
While getting braces can be a scary experience for most, the tooth-straightening that they can lead to is life-changing for many young people, who often suffer from a severe lack of confidence beforehand. If you have dodgy teeth, it is impossible to hide it.
Despite how uncomfortable and unflattering braces can be, it is always worth it when you see the finished product and you finally have a perfectly symmetrical grin. This was a feeling that this young man had craved for a long time. Not all of us are lucky enough to have teeth that are simply a little crooked and therefore easily fixable…