People Assume These Things About You Because of the Car You Own

Minivan = Great parent

Minivans are the vehicle of choice for families – especially ones with young kids. It has a lot of space and it is considered to be a safe and reliable vehicle model. Minivan owners are considered to be great parents who are devoted to their kids.

Source: PostFun

This shows in their car choice as minivans are considered to be a safe choice for passengers. According to a psychology professor, Susan Henney, minivans tell the world that “I’m the carpool mom. I’m very involved and important.”

Bright LED headlights = Selfish

Headlights are created to keep drivers safe on a dark and empty road. But using them while there are other cars nearby makes you the dangerous one on the road. It is perceived that car owners who install ultra-bright LED headlights are selfish.

Source: PostFun

They have a personality that tends to put themselves first before others. And just like what they show on the road, they will always put their comfort first at the expense of risking the safety of others.

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