Chilling Adventures of Sabrina – Cancelled
This Netflix show is a reimagination of the beloved comic book character, Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. Although it had a darker theme, fans of the beloved character welcomed it with positive reviews.
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As mentioned earlier, Sabrina has a darker theme and in 2020, so much tragedy and violence have been happening in real life that the show could not get a perfect timing for its story. In the end, Netflix decided to cancel it.
Cobra Kai – Renewed
The Karate Kid spin-off series following the rivalry between Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso was actually first released on YouTube. It was a good thing Netflix decided to pick it up and add it to its catalog.
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Now, Cobra Kai is one of the most-watched series on the streaming platform. The Karate Kid fever is still definitely on. Because of its consistently outstanding performance, Netflix renewed the series for a fifth season.