Check Out If Your Pet Dog Makes It on This List of Smart Dog Breeds

Alaskan Malamute

This is a large dog breed that is meant to live in cooler climates. It has a similar genetic makeup to the Alaskan and Siberian Huskies only the Alaskan Malamute is bigger and more fluffy. Because of this, they are best as family pets.

Source: DailySportX

Alaskan Malamutes are known for their gentle and warm nature and they are great for kids to grow up with. Aside from being smart, this dog is also loyal, affectionate, friendly, and playful.


Collies are a popular dog breed thanks to the 1950s TV show, Lassie. The show actually did a great job of capturing how smart this dog breed is. They are very intelligent and easy to train plus they communicate well with their owners.

Source: DailySportX

Collies make great pets for families with young kids because they can play all day without getting tired. They’ll definitely keep your kids busy. This dog breed is also one of the most loyal and motivated breeds out there.

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