Some of the most well-known authors in the world have a net worth exceeding a billion dollars. We have compiled a list of 20 top-earning authors around the world, with their net worth and bio.
Here are the 20 richest writers of all time as of 2022. Guess who will be on this list?
10 Jeffrey Archer
Jeffrey Archer, an English novelist and ex-politician, is Jeffrey Archer. Archer was a Member before he became an author. Archer was a best-selling author and his books have been sold over 330 million worldwide.
Jeffrey Archer’s net worth was approximately $195 million as of 2022.
9 John Grisham
John Grisham, an American writer of international fame, was a member of the House of Representatives for Mississippi while he was practicing law.
John Grisham is the 9th richest author in the world, with a net worth of approximately $220 million as of 2022.