10 Pesky Songs That Will Get Stuck In Your Head
Some days, getting a song stuck in your head can be a pleasure, as you hum along to a tune and joyfully go about the world. Other times, the last thing you want is to have an annoyingly repetitive track playing on a loop in your mind. This is especially true if you have a lot on your mind or are facing some stressful challenges in the day. Pop music is particularly well known for its ability to entrench melodies into the minds of the masses in an addictive, almost scientific manner. These songs can also be overly sappy and romantic, which touches a nerve with people from all corners of the earth. Although there are billions of songs out there in the world, there are a couple that were designed to be able to get stuck in the listener’s head. Our list here looks at 10 of their peskiest tunes, which you should avoid like the plague if you don’t want to be humming them in your head for the rest of the day.
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